Camping is one of the most interesting experiences for those who want to have a more intense experience with nature. However, it is essential to pay attention to the pieces of equipment that make the difference when turning around in a slightly wilder environment. That is, getting all the essential camping gear that will keep you through the camping period.
Though, shopping to put all these camping gears together can be more difficult than shopping for any other trips we used to embark on. This is because different types of equipment are needed to be taken when going camping. And another important fact about camping is that almost all these equipment are essential and difficult to replace, therefore, it is important to purchase most of these camping gear so you will not get frustrated along the line. Knowing how difficult it is to shop for camping gear, Vipestores.com has listed some of the essential camping gear to shop for to make your camping safe and experience filled.
List of Essential Camping Gears to Shop
The main item for every camper is the right tent, as it allows you to rest in the middle of nature. When choosing your tent you must think of equipment that is light-weight and suitable for your needs depending on the environment you intend to camp. This means that it does not necessarily have to be an expensive tent, but the best suitable ten. Consider the number of people who will be camping with you to determine the number of tents. In the case of camps that will last for several days, it is good to have protection such as awnings that help protect from the sun.
Sleeping Bag, Mat, or Inflatable Mattress
Basically, it is important to have something to sleep in, even if your tent is large, the floor is not enough to rest. Camping is an activity that requires a lot of disposition and that is why it is necessary to sleep well. The choice between sleeping bag, mattress, and inflatable mattress should be made considering which is the most suitable for you and what looks best in your tent.
Paper Guides and Maps
It may seem strange, but we indicate that in addition to the digital version on your cell phone. You should take a guide and a paper map, as the cell phone may run out of battery and you are in hand. Even if you are camping in a region that you know in advance, we recommend that you have this information close by, because, after long walks and a lot of suns, you can be disoriented. Being able to locate the place to return to after a long day is essential for those in the middle of the forest.
Flashlight or Headlamp
Flashlights are indispensable for those who are camping and one of the most practical options is the so-called headlamp, which is a flashlight to use attached to the head by an elastic band. This equipment sets hands free and has good lighting power. At night, headlamps are the most practical.
Nowadays we have smartphones with an internet that provide us with the location in seconds, however, the compass is still a piece of indispensable equipment - always remember that in some places the internet signal simply disappears. Having an analog and reliable method to target a strange place is essential.
Camping Stove
There is no way to think about camping without including a stove among the mandatory items. There are some options on the market, it is worth thinking about the time of purchase, the ease of carrying this equipment and whether the functionality meets all your needs. Remember that to use the stove you will need one or two small containers - a small gas canister. Also have two lighters, one of which is a backup.
It is another essential item for those going camping. This bottle will keep your coffee or tea warm for longer. You can even take your favorite drink along the trails. For some more experienced campers, the thermos becomes one of the main companions.
By doing a brief search on the internet you will find that there are some pocket knife models suitable for camping. They are accessories that help to open cans, cut something necessary and even divide food. In the survival guides, you will see that the knife is always one of the most important articles. It is good that each participant of the camp has his or her pocket knife for eventual emergencies.
First aid kit
On a camping trip, it is also important to bring a first aid kit in case someone feels bad or ends up getting hurt. Among the items that should be in this kit are medications such as analgesics, antipyretics, antiallergic agents, stomach and liver medications as well as cotton, gauze, alcohol, serum, ointments, among others. So that it does not get too heavy to carry.