The CrossFit exercise is a high-intensity interval training that uses functional exercises. Very suitable for physical conditioning, performance, and weight loss, it has a package of advantages for the body. The exercises have been reaching more and more fans of this training. Practitioners are already a true world community as we already have more than 15 thousand boxes worldwide today. In addition to the unquestionable advantages of adopting a healthy physical practice, Crossfit has other benefits for the body and well-being.
These workouts are more than just lifting weights. They are, in addition to strength, flexibility, endurance, and power. In Crossfit, unless you are going to train on your own, the workouts are different every day so that the body does not get used to always working the same muscles and so that you work all parts of the body equally. Therefore, it is very important, when you start in Crossfit to have different types of equipment that will enable maintain the exchange of training each day. In this article, Vipestores.com listed some of the best Crossfit training products for an effective and efficient workout.
Top 5 Crossfit Training Products To Have
Olympic bar
The Olympic bar is the most important piece of equipment for CrossFit WODs at home: indeed, whether for squats, shoulder presses, deadlifts, or even cleans, this bar is the central element, the one that allows the movement to be performed correctly. Since it is so important, there are a few details to know and take into account before any purchase.
When it comes to price, the Olympic bar, or weightlifting bar, is by nature quite expensive. It represents a big financial investment, and it is also an investment that should not be taken lightly. On the market, you can find them at all prices, but you should generally avoid the cheapest. The reason is simple: the barbell is designed to support weights, and those that are too affordable are often too fragile. So, they will likely end up breaking during exercise because of the load put on them.
Bumper Plates
These are weight plates that go with the Olympic bar or the barbell. The main advantage of bumper plates comes from their rubber construction: for use at home, they allow neither the ground nor the weights to be damaged when the bar is released since they have a very slight rebound. Cast iron weight discs should be reserved for gyms and are more suitable for bodybuilders than cross-fitters.
A Pull-Up Bar
Whether individual or part of a larger structure, such as a rack or squat cage, for example, the pull-up bar is also an important piece of equipment for cross-fitters wanting to benefit from a complete workout at home. Muscle-ups and toes to bar are indeed regular WOD exercises, and you need to have something to practice them. This is also why we are not talking here of a temporary pull-up bar that is placed between the leaves of a door, but of a fixed and solid pull-up bar.
Jump Rope
Whether it is for warming up, for cardio, or for the WOD exercises themselves, the jump rope is also one of the essential equipment for the practice of CrossFit. However, this requires a speed rope, a fast jump rope, sheathed steel. Nylon, cotton, or even plastic ropes are indeed much too heavy for sports, especially when it is intensive. They tend to slow down the movement, which is the opposite of the desired effect.
In the practice of CrossFit, kettlebells are very often used since they allow both to gain in strength, in resistance but also in muscles by working many parts of the body, in particular at the level of the bust, the arms, the back, but also legs and buttocks. For a complete Crossfit training, they are part of the essential equipment to have.