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Looking after the world around us
Actively reducing our impact on the environment around us is how we began as a company. We care about the environment and take steps in all areas of the business to reduce our impact, recycle where we can, and use renewable energy as much as possible. Every franchise that works with us opts in to this policy, so you can be sure that wherever and whenever you chose a Green Motion car or van rental you are choosing a company that cares.
Why Choose Us?
Actively reducing our impact on the environment around us is how we began as a company. We care about the environment and take steps in all areas of the business to reduce our impact, recycle where we can, and use renewable energy as much as possible.
We recycle all accepted recyclable materials, recycle the water we use to clean our vehicles, have food waste bins in our staff rooms, and very much encourage our customers to take advantage of our recycle zones when you visit.
We use environmentally friendly and bio-degradable chemicals, and reduce our water consumption by putting in place alternative ways to valet our vehicles. Methods we use include steam cleaning, water capture & recycling, along with waterless cleaning processes where possible.
Eco-friendly fleet
We work closely with some of the world’s most renowned motor manufacturers including Citroen, Toyota, Honda, Lexus and BMW and we are in the privileged position of being able to hire vehicles that are at the cutting edge of environmental technology. We have carefully selected vehicles from each of our partner manufacturers that allow us to truly offer a choice of hire vehicles right across the range, from small city cars to luxury limousines all of which give our customers the opportunity to reduce their CO2 emissions.
Green energy
Where appropriate, we install power generation that is supported either by wind turbine or solar power technologies. Prior to one of our vehicle rental location's opening we carry out a full assessment to gain an understanding of the power requirements which, in turn, allows us to ascertain the best way of providing electricity and heat.
In some cases it is necessary for our locations to receive power supply (or alternatively heating) via the national grid. Should this be the case, it is a mandatory requirement for locations to utilise power suppliers selected as a result of their 'greener' credentials. Each rental location features low energy lighting units and adheres to the use of low energy light bulbs. In some cases we install passive sensors that turn lights on and off automatically (dependant on the particular space they are lighting and its use) to help further reduce energy consumption.
Recycling zones
We take recycling seriously, and have installed recycling zones at many of our locations (space can be a bit limited in airports, but our employees will always help you locate your nearest recycling point if you ask).
We recycle all accepted recyclable materials (this can vary country to country), recycle the water we use to clean our vehicles, have food waste bins in our staff rooms, and very much encourage our customers to take advantage of the zones when you visit. They are colour coded for convenience but staff are always on hand to assist if you are unsure.