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We've served over 2.5 billion digital document pages to our users.

DocHub is an online PDF editor and document signing platform. It lets you edit and sign PDFs in your browser. By delivering documents digitally, we're also preventing the need for countless physical pages to be printed. With your support, we're helping save thousands, if not millions of trees from being needlessly turned to paper each year.

Send and receive real signatures

Who needs to sign?

You - Import your document to DocHub straight from your inbox, drag and drop your signature, and email it back. No need to print and scan!

Someone else - Request signatures or completed forms from other parties and DocHub will walk the recipients through the document, field-by-field, until its signed and finalized.

Use a template and in one fell swoop you can send one document to be filled by many people.

Online PDF Editor

Annotate documents, whiteout text, append pages, merge files, add fields and more

The Page Manager displays thumbnails of each page in your document, allowing you to rotate, delete, or reorder pages using drag and drop. Easily merge PDFs or other documents together with a simple click.

Gmail, Google Drive and Dropbox are seamlessly integrated into DocHub. You can open and import files to DocHub straight from your Gmail inbox or Google Drive.

Once you've made your edits, export the file directly to Drive or import your Google Address Book and email the document to your contacts.

Works on mobile
DocHub works on mobile platforms just as easily as it works on desktop platforms. This means that with DocHub people can sign documents from anywhere, even without their computer or having to install an app on their phone.

We take pride in what we do and our results speak for themselves. Every year since launching in 2014, we've grown at a double digit pace.

There are now millions of active DocHub users every month and we're just getting started.